

April 7, 2023

To our Valued Patients,

We hope you and your loved ones have been staying healthy during the COVID quarantine. Per California Department for Public Health guidelines, masks are no longer required in the healthcare facilities starting April 3, 2023. Please feel free to wear a mask if you feel more comfortable doing so. We ask that you reschedule your appointment if you are sick. We continue to follow all state and local guidelines for healthcare facilities, and continue to employ stringent cleaning and safety practices. We would like you to be aware of what to expect when you come to our office:

Before your appointment:

- Please reschedule your appointment if you have a fever, any symptoms of illness suggestive of COVID, such as shortness of breath, new cough, loss of smell or taste, chills, or if you have been exposed to anyone that may have COVID within the last 2 weeks

On the day of your appointment:

- We have air purifiers in every room.
- We have removed all magazines from all waiting areas
- Staff and doctors will wash their hands or use hand sanitizer before and after patient contact. Rooms and instruments are also cleaned before and after each patient encounter. Aggressive deep cleaning of the office also occurs nightly with a professional cleaning crew

Other options: 

- You may choose to have a telemedicine visit with one of the doctors

We have missed seeing you and are looking forward to your visit with us! We appreciate your patience while you are in our office while we try to keep everyone safe. Please let us know if you have any questions or concerns regarding our protocols.